All camps are non-refundable. Camp Credit will only be issued in unforeseen circumstances, such as injuries or other unique situations. Please send your cancellation requests directly to Coach Ungs via email, Nic-Ungs@iowabaseball.com, or by phone 319- 335-9505. Your request must be submitted 5 days before the start of camp to receive a future camp credit.
Each camper must bring his own baseball equipment, which includes: Glove, bat, helmet, molded cleats or running/turf shoes (only turf/tennis shoes for hitting) NO METAL SPIKES and any other equipment they feel necessary to compete. During the camp all players must wear baseball pants, hat and camp-issued t-shirts as jerseys. Catchers must bring their own gear.
The University of Iowa Baseball program will not be responsible for lost items.
Parking availability varies depending on the camp date and duration. Parking options will be detailed in an email distributed to all campers 7 days prior to camps.
Parking options are in the red.

We can no longer offer airport shuttle service.
The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID) located in Cedar Rapids, Ia is approimately 25 miles north of the University of Iowa camps.
You are welcome to come and watch any session your child is attending. If you need to remove your child for any reason, please make sure one of the Iowa Coaches is notified.